Monday, September 5, 2011

Honeymooned and fortified by home before coming back to the Sand Pit

B and me at Peggy's cove, Nova Scotia.

We also visited P.E.I. and spent the last few days catching up with friends in Toronto. It was a great honeymoon and a swell six weeks and I feel fortified by family, friends, food and drink. We are now ready to spend our second and final year in the Sand Pit. We arrived back at the ol' Beach Hotel/Home two days ago and are back into the full-on swing of it.

I will spend this year dreaming about next year, which I hope takes us to Halifax. We love that city. B will obtain her Canadian permanent residency. Then we'll find jobs and be living there by this time next year. Yes, that is what we will do.

In front of the Anne of Green Gables house, on the north shore of P.E.I. I couldn't be bothered to read the books but I watched a couple episodes of the old CBC series when we got home. Not bad. There were lots of Korean people at the Gables house. Also, P.E. Islanders are ridiculously friendly.

In Charlottetown, asking Sir John A. Macdonald whether it was true that he once puked during a debate becuase he was so wasted.

A big gnarly thunderhead rolling over my folks place in southern Ontario. God, I've missed precipitation.

We had a big ol' summer cookout at my parents farm for the folks that couldn't make it to the wedding down in A'merca. We ordered a giant Subway sandwich. It was awesome. We also played quoits, a type of homemade ring-toss game. The rings were made from pieces of old hydraulic hose and the posts were fashioned from rebar. I see many quoits filled afternoons in my distant future.

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