Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Kingfisher love

A pair of  White-Throated Kingfishers gettin' it on....

Love was in the air that day. A charming Sri Lankan couple getting their wedding photos taken.

Just moments before they banged. Notice the lustful gaze. There are Kingfishers all over the city of Kandy. Little beauties they are.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Sweet Blue Whales video

For a much better explanation of Sri Lanka's Blue Whale colony, watch this video.

Side: I met a guy named Gavin on the whale boat and he was actually going to see Asha (the scientist in the video) give a talk on Lanka's Blue Whales the following day. After an hour on the boat he told me that he also hoped to get her number. Hope it worked out for you mate.

Blue Whales

The best thing I did in Lanka was go whale watching. During the 25 year civil war the coast was littered with angry naval vessels ready to torpedo someone's ass. Since the war ended a couple of years ago, scientists have discovered perhaps the most accesible community of Blue whales ever. 

Apparently, these whales live off the coast Full Time because the water there is warm enough to breed in and there is also a massive trench in which to dive and feed on krill. In other words, there is no need for these big boys to travel. They just kick it all day off the coast, mating, chillin' grillin' and krillin' yo. 

Side: Everyone was trying to get the 'whale money shot,' you know the one of a huge tail breaking the surface of the water just like on the old Hartford Whalers jersey. I came close with the pick above, however it was a profile of the tail and not the flukes. 

One of the other trusty vessels that morning. It was a bit like cat and mouse, as the whales would reveal their position by spouting huge geysers of water in the air, the boats would charge full-throttle rigfht at them. The whales must think we are a pain in the ass. I hope this whale-watching business doesn't piss them off too much.

Temple waves

About a hundred years ago I wrote a Master's thesis on Buddhist politics in Sri Lanka. That little gem is now collecting dust in the bowels of my university in southern Ontario. Anyhoo, after doing mountains of research on this little country and its devout people, I felt very happy to finally visit this beautiful and complicated land that has always been close to my heart and psyche. 

Side: Did you know that Arthur C. Clarke, the legendary sci-fi writer, lived in Sri Lanka for over 50 years? Huh, did ya?

On my last day in Lanka, I rented a board and did my best to catch a wave or two. I paddled out and got absolutely battered. Then I paddled in and laid on the beach to catch my breath. This cat managed to catch a few though.

Once in Costa Rica, in 1998, I wiped out while surfing and gashed my melon, requiring 7 stitches. The doctor's name was Dr. Hermes and he was super cool. 5 dollars a stitch. No problemo!

Side: This little beach town on the south coast of Sri Lanka is called Mirissa. It was levelled by the Tsunami of 2004. As a result, some boats were carried hundreds of metres inland and can still be seen resting amongst the trees. An odd sight.  

Birds around Kandy, Sri Lanka

In the middle of Kandy there is a small man-made lake. There are LOTS of excellent birds hanging out around the lake, like this Spot-Billed Pelican

In the countryside, one can see the quintessential image of Sri Lanka as one of these Little Egrets perches on  the back of a wallowing water buffalo. This image has pervaded my dreams for years.  

White-Breasted Waterhen 

Indian Pond Heron

Lanka birds continued

More crazy-eyed birds from Sri Lanka. These Yellow-Billed Bablers are everywhere and they sing reeeaaaal nice. I was waiting for a train at one of Sri Lanka's many little colonial train stations spread throughout the hill country and heard these guys babbling away.

It's hard to tell, but this Greater Coucal has demonic red eyes. And he would perch on your chin and eat your adam's apple if he could. I spotted him while watching Cricket at my guesthouse with a cool dude named Gavin. He explained many of the nuances of Cricket to me. I used to think Cricket was stupid. Now I love it. Wicked Yorker!

This White-Bellied Drongo reminded me of myself in my younger days, all agile and introspective. Again, saw this chap while waiting for the train outside of Kandy. 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Sri Lankan Birdgasms

Sri Lanka Dull Blue Flycatcher
I tried unsuccessfully to snap a decent pic of this endemic badboy but alas he was too quick, so this is the best I could do. I was about 2000 metres up at the time, descending a sacred mountain in the Lankan hill country called Adam's Peak. There is a big footprint-shaped impression at the summit. Buddhists believe its Buddha's footprint, Hindu's believe its Shiva's and Christians believe its Adam's. Recent findings suggest it was actually Manute Bol's. In any case, it was an amazing hike that I started at 2:30 am and reached the peak in time to watch the sunrise with several hundred pilgrims. Beauty.

Yellow-eared Bulbul (endemic)

I also spotted this sexy devil while descending the sacred mountain on shaky knees.

Sri Lanka White Eye (endemic)

I was sitting at the misty summit, around 2500 metres, waiting for the sun to rise when I heard this little beauty particpate in the morning chorus behind me. I turned around and saw him, snapped a quick pic and then he flew off.
Brown-Headed Barbet

A lot of birds in Lanka seemed to have crazy eyes like this badboy in a banana tree. Crazy I tells ya.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Spring migrants

Meadow Pipit
Eurasion Reed Warbler
Pied Wheatear
Isabelline Wheatear
Masked Shrike

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

More Praha

The Advantage Hostel. Nice place. Wicked salami sandwiches for breaky.

Kafka's grave.

The Golden Tiger, best beer hall in Prague. Former Czech president Vaclav Havel once brought Bill Clinton there for a delicious mug of local pilsner. It's true cause I saw the pic on the wall. Clinton looked like he was up to something. Sadly, Havel died while we were in Prague and I know he was loved cause there were mega candle light vigils for him all over town. Mega candle light vigils I tells ya.

The 'Fred & Ginger' building.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Greater Flamingos

Greater Flamingos

This beauties are always together. They live just down the beach from us.

Great Cormorants (Gull and Grey Heron in the background)

Grey Heron

Blue Rock Thrush

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Christmas Carp in Prague

The favourite Christmas meal in Czech Republic is good ol' river carp. Come holiday time, the downtown core is dotted with fishmongers who will club a live carp for you, fillet it and put it in a plastic bag ready for your holiday feast. Me and B went to a fancy jazz restaurant in Old Town Square on Christmas eve and I tucked into a juicy carp fillet the size of a baby's arm. It was soft and boney, also like a baby's arm. B demonstrated her wisdom by ordering the schnitzel. Our waiter's name was Radek and we accompanied our meal with some nice Czech wine. Twas a fine Christmas.

Of all mongers, I think fishmongers are best.

Monday, January 23, 2012


Tawny Pipit

Purple Sunbird

Common Kestrel

Southern Grey Shrike (eatin' a bee)

Friday, January 13, 2012

Nun on a Teeter-Tawter in Bratislava

Some people call a Teeter-Tawter a See-Saw. That's bullshit.

More Bratislava

Smoked Knee!
